Bachelor and Master Theses

BSc (100), MSc (76), MSc SciComp (15), Diploma (5)


  • Alexandra Kowalewski: Querying Web Tables with Language Models, Bachelor Thesis, July 2024.
  • Nils Krehl: Real-world Clinical Knowledge Graph Construction and Exploration, Master Thesis, July 2024. 
  • Christopher Lindenberg: Exploring the Behavior of Function Calling Systems Using Small LLMs,  Bachelor Thesis, July 2024.
  • Björn Bulkens: Towards Automatic Generation of Knowledge Graphs using LLMs, Master Thesis, May 2024. 
  • Abdulghani Almasri: A Framework to Measure Coherence in Query Sessions, Bachelor Thesis, May 2024.
  • Stefan Lenert: Building Conversational Question Answering Systems, Master Thesis, March 2024. 
  • Alexander Kosnac: Quantity-centric Summarization Techniques for Documents, Bachelor Thesis, March 2024.
  • Nicolas Hellthaler: Footnote-Augmented Documents for Passage Retrieval, Bachelor Thesis, February 2024.
  • Simon Gimmini: Exploring Temporal Patterns in Art Through Diffusion Models, Master Thesis, February 2024
  • Xingqi Cheng: A Rule-based Post-processor for Temporal Knowledge Graph Extrapolation, Master Thesis, January 2024.
  • Raphael Ebner: Leveraging Large Language Models for Information Extraction and Knowledge Representation, Bachelor Thesis, January 2024.


  • Angelina Basova: Table Extraction from PDF Documents, Master Thesis, December 2023
  • Milena Bruseva: Benchmarking Vector Databases: A Framework for Evaluating Embedding Based Retrieval, Master Thesis, December 2023.
  • Luis Wettach: Medical Electronic Data Capture at Home – A Privacy Compliant Framework, Master Thesis, December 2023.
  • Jayson Pyanowski: Semantic Search with Contextualized Query Generation, Master Thesis, December 2023.
  • Philipp Göldner: Information Retrieval using Sparse Embeddings, Master Thesis, December 2023.
  • Vivian Kazakova: A Topic Modeling Framework for Biomedical Text Analysis, Bachelor Thesis, October 2023
  • Dennis Geiselmann: Context-Aware Dense Retrieval, Master Thesis, October 2023.
  • Konrad Goldenbaum: Semantic Search and Topic Exploration of Scientific Paper Corpora, Bachelor Thesis, October 2023
  • Yingying Cao: Keyword-based Summarization of (Legal) Documents, Master Thesis Scientific Computing, August, 2023.
  • Julian Freyberg: Structural and Logical Document Layout Analysis using Graph Neural Networks, Master Thesis, August 2023.
  • Marina Walther: A Universal Online Social Network Conversation Model, Master Thesis, August 2023.
  • David Pohl: Zero-Shot Word Sense Disambiguation using Word Embeddings, Bachelor Thesis, August 2023
  • Klemens Gerber: Automatic Enrichment of Company Information in Knowledge Graphs, Master Thesis, August 2023.
  • Bastian Müller: An Adaptable Question Answering Framework with Source-Citations, Bachelor Thesis, August 2023
  • Jiahui Li: Styled Text Summarization via Domain-specific Paraphrasing,  Master Thesis Scientific Computing, July 2023.
  • Sophia Matthis: Multi-Aspect Exploration of Plenary Protocols, Master Thesis, June 2023.
  • Till Rostalski: A Generic Patient Similarity Framework for Clinical Data Analysis, Bachelor Thesis, June 2023
  • David Jackson: Automated Extraction of Drug Analysis and Discovery Networks, Master Thesis Scientific Computing, May 2023.
  • Christopher Brückner: Multi-Feature Clustering of Search Results, Master Thesis, April 2023.
  • Paul Dietze: Formula Classification and Mathematical Token Embeddings, Bachelor Thesis, April 2023.
  • Sophia Hammes: A Neural-Based Approach for Link Discovery in the Process Management Domain, Master Thesis, March 2023.
  • Fabian Kneissl: Time-Dependent Graph Modeling of Twitter Conversations, Master Thesis, March 2023.
  • Lucienne-Sophie Marmé:  A Bootstrap Approach for Classifying Political Tweets into Policy Fields, Bachelor Thesis, March 2023.
  • Jing Fan: Assessing Factual Accuracy of Generated Text Using Semantic Role Labeling, Bachelor Thesis, March 2023.


  • Fabio Gebhard: A Rule-based Approach for Numerical Question Answering, Master Thesis, December 2022.
  • Severin Laicher: Learning and Exploring Similarity of Sales Items and its Dependency on Sales Data, Master Thesis, September 2022.
  • Raeesa Yousaf: Explainability of Graph Roles Extracted from Networks, Bachelor Thesis, September 2022.
  • Julian Seibel: Towards GAN-based Open-World Knowledge Graph Completion, Master Thesis, June 2022.
  • Claire Zhao Sun: Extracting and Exploring Causal Factors from Financial Documents, Master Thesis Scientific Computing, May 2022.
  • Ziqiu Zhou: Semantic Extensions of OSM Data Through Mining Tweets in the Domain of Disaster Management, Master Thesis, May 2022.
  • Lukas Ballweg: Analysis of Lobby Networks and their Extraction from Semi-Structured Data,  Bachelor Thesis, April 2022.
  • Benjamin Wagner: Benchmarking Graph Databases for Knowledge Graph Handling, Bachelor Thesis, March 2022.
  • Cedric Bender: Exploration and Analysis of Methods for German Tweet Stream Summarization, Bachelor Thesis, March 2022. 
  • Johannes Klüh: Polyphonic Music Generation for Multiple Instruments using Music Transformer, Bachelor Thesis, March 2022.


  • Nicolas Reuter: Automatic Annotation of Song Lyrics Using Wikipedia Resources, Master Thesis, December 2021.
  • Mateusz Chrzastek: Extraktive Keyphrases form Noun Chunk Similarity, Bachelor Thesis, October 2021. 
  • Fabrizio Primerano: Document Information Extraction from Visually-rich Documents with Unbalanced Class Structure, Master Thesis, October 2021.
  • Sarah Marie Bopp: Gender-centric Analysis of Tweets from German Politicians, Bachelor Thesis, September 2021.
  • Philipp Göldner: A Framework for Numerical Information Extraction, Bachelor Thesis, July 2021.
  • Robin Khanna: Adaptive Topic Modelling for Twitter Data, Bachelor Thesis, July 2021.
  • Thomas Rekers: Correlating Postings from Different Social Media Platforms, Master Thesis, July 2021.
  • Duc Anh Phi: Background Linking of News Articles, Master Thesis, May 2021.
  • Eike Harms: Linking Table and Text Quantities in Documents, Master Thesis, April 2021.
  • Raphael Arndt: Regelbasierte Binärklassifizierung von Webseiten, Bachelor Thesis, April 2021.
  • Jonas Gann: Integrating Identity Management Providers based on Online Access Law, Bachelor Thesis, March 2021.
  • Björn Ternes: Kontextbasierte Informationsextraktion aus Datenschutzerklärungen, Bachelor Thesis, March 2021.


  • Fabio Becker: A Generative Model for Dynamic Networks with Community Structures, Master Thesis, December 2020.
  • Jan-Gabriel Mylius: Visual Analysis of Paragraph Similarity, Bachelor Thesis, December 2020
  • Alexander Hebel: Information Retrieval mit PostgreSQL, Master Thesis, November 2020.
  • Jonas Albrecht: Lexikon-basierte Sentimentanalyse von Tweets, Bachelor Thesis, November 2020.
  • Marina Walther: A Network-based Approach to Investigate Medical Time Series Data, Bachelor Thesis, September 2020.
  • Stefan Hickl: Automatisierte Generierung von Inhaltsverzeichnissen aus PDF-Dokumenten, Bachelor Thesis, September 2020.
  • Christopher Brückner: Structure-centric Near-Duplicate Detection, Bachelor Thesis, August 2020.
  • David Jackson: Extracting Knowledge Graphs from Biomedical Literature, Bachelor Thesis, August 2020.
  • David Richter: Single-Pass Training von Klassifikatoren basierend auf einem großem Web-Korpus, Master Thesis, August 2020.
  • Julian Freyberg: Time-sensitive Multi-label Classification of News Articles, Bachelor Thesis, July 2020.
  • John Ziegler: Modelling and Exploration of Property Graphs for Open Source Intelligence, Master Thesis, August, 2020.
  • Johannes Keller: A Network-based Approach for Modeling Twitter Topics, Master Thesis, June 2020.
  • Erik Koynov: Three Stage Statute Retrieval Algorithm with BERT and Hierachical Pretraining", Bachelor Thesis, Mai 2020.
  • Fabian Kaiser: Cross-Reference Resolution in German and European Law, Master Thesis, April 2020.
  • Hasan Malik: Open Numerical Information Extraction, Master Thesis, Scientific Computing, March 2020.
  • Matthias Rein: Exploration of User Networks and Content Analysis of the German Political Twittersphere, Master Thesis, March 2020.
  • Philip Hausner: Time-centric Content Exploration in Large Document Collections, Master Thesis, March 2020.
  • Mohammad Dawas: On the Analysis of Networks Extracted from Relational Databases, Master Thesis, Scientific Computing, February 2020.
  • Lea Zimmermann: Mapping Machine Learning Frameworks to End2End Infrastructures, Bachelor Thesis, February 2020


  • Bente Nittka: Modelling Verdict Documents for Automated Judgment Grounds Prediction, Bachelor Thesis, November 2019
  • Michael Pronkin: A Framework for a Person-Centric Gazetteer Service, Bachelor Thesis, November 2019
  • Jessica Löhr: Analysis and Exploration of Register Data of Companies, Bachelor Thesis, October 2019
  • Seida Basha: Extraction of Comment Threads of Political News Articles, Bachelor Thesis, September 2019
  • Lukas Rüttgers: Analyse von YouTube-Kommentaren zur Förderung von Diskussionen, Master Thesis, Scientific Computing, July 2019
  • Gloria Feher: Concepts in Context: A Network-based Approach, Master Thesis, July 2019
  • Dennis Aumiller: Implementation of a Relational Document Hypergraph for Information Retrieval, Master Thesis, April 2019
  • Raheel Ahsan: Efficient Entity Matching, Master Thesis, Scientific Computing, March 2019
  • Christian Straßberger: Time-Varying Graphs to Explore Medical Time Series, Master Thesis, Scientific Computing, March 2019
  • Frederik Schwabe: Zitationsnetzwerke in Gesetzestexten und juristischen Entscheidungen, Bachelor Thesis, February 2019
  • Kilian Claudius Valenti: Extraktion und Exploration von Kookkurenznetzwerken aus Arztbriefen, Bachelor Thesis, February 2019


  • Satya Almasian: Learning Joint Vector Representation of Words and Named Entities, Master Thesis, Scientific Computing, October 2018
  • Naghmeh Fazeli: Evolutionary Analysis of News Article Networks, Master Thesis, Scientific Computing, October 2018
  • Lukas Kades: Development and Evaluation of an Indoor Simulation Model for Visitor Behaviour on a Trade Fair, Master Thesis, October 2018
  • David Stronczek: Named Entity Disambiguation using Implicit Networks, Master Thesis, August 2018
  • Julius Franz Foitzik: A Social Network Approach towards Location-based Recommendation, Master Thesis, April 2018
  • Carine Dengler: Network-based Modeling and Analysis of Political Debates, Master Thesis, May 2018
  • Maximilian Langknecht: Exploration-Based Feature Analysis of Time Series Using Minimum Spanning Trees,  Bachelor Thesis, May 2018
  • Jayson Salazar: Extraction and Analysis of Dynamic Co-occurence Networks from Medical Text, Master Thesis, Scientific Computing, April 2018
  • Fabio Becker: Toponym Resolution in HeidelPlace, Bachelor Thesis, April 2018
  • Felix Stern: Correlating Finance News Articles and Stock Indexes, Master Thesis, March 2018
  • Oliver Hommel: Symbolical Inversion of Formulas in an OLAP Context, Master Thesis, Scientific Computing,  March 2018
  • Jan Greulich: Reasoning with Imprecise Temporal and Geographical Data, Master Thesis, February 2018
  • Johannes Visintini: Modelling and Analyzing Political Activity Networks, Bachelor Thesis, February 2018
  • Sebastian Lackner: Efficient Algorithms for Anti-community Detection, Master Thesis, February 2018


  • Leonard Henger: Erstellung eines konzeptionellen Datenmodells für Zeitreihen und Erkennung von Zeitreihenausreißern, Bachelor Thesis, December 2017
  • Christian Kromm: Short-term travel time prediction in complex contents, Master Thesis, December 2017
  • Christian Schütz: A Generative Model for Correlated Geospatial Property Graphs with Social Network Characteristics, Bachelor Thesis, December 2017
  • Sophia Stahl: Association Rule Based Pattern Mining of Cancer Genome Variants, Master Thesis, December 2017
  • Patrick Breithaupt: Evolving Topic-centric Information Networks, Master Thesis, October 2017
  • Michael Müller: Graph Based Event Summarization, Master Thesis, September 2017
  • Slavin Donchev: Statement Extraction from German Newspaper Articles, Bachelor Thesis, August 2017
  • Dennis Aumiller: Mining Relationship Networks from University Websites, Bachelor Thesis, August 2017
  • Katja Hauser: Latent Information Networks from German Newspaper Articles, Bachelor Thesis, April 2017
  • Xiaoyu Ye: Extraction and Analysis of Organization and Person Networks, Master Thesis, April 2017
  • Martin Enderlein: Modeling and Exploring Company Networks, Bachelor Thesis, January 2017


  • Ludwig Richter: A Generic Gazetter Data Model and an Extensible Framework for Geoparsing, Master Thesis, October 2016
  • Benjamin Keller: Matching Unlabeled Instances against a Known Data Schema Using Active Learning, Bachelor Thesis, August 2016
  • Julien Stern: Generation and Analysis of Event Networks from GDELT Data, Bachelor Thesis, July 2016
  • Hüseyin Dagaydin: Personalized Filtering of SAP Internal Search Results based on Search Behavior, Master Thesis, March 2016
  • Zaher Aldefai: Improvement of SAP Search HANA results through Text Analysis, Master Thesis, April 2016
  • Jens Cram: Adapting In-Memory Representations of Property Graphs to Mixed Workloads, Bachelor Thesis, April 2016
  • Antonio Jiménez Fernández: Collection and Analysis of User Generated Comments on News Articles, Bachelor Thesis, April 2016
  • Nils Weiher: Temporal Affiliation Network Extraction from Wikidata, Bachelor Thesis, March 2016
  • Claudia Dünkel: Erweiterung des Wu-Holme Modells für Zitationsnetzwerke, Bachelor Thesis, January 2016


  • Muhammad El-Hindi: VisIndex: A Multi-dimensional Tree Index for Histogram Queries, Master Thesis, December 2015
  • Annika Boldt: Rahmenwerk für kontextsensitive Hilfe von webbasierten Anwendungen, Master Thesis, December 2015
  • Carine Dengler: Das INDY-Bildanalyseframework für die Geschichtswissenschaften, Bachelor Thesis, October 2015
  • Leif-Nissen Lundbaek: Conceptional analysis of cryptocurrencies towards smart financial networks, Master Thesis, Scientific Computing, October 2015
  • Viktor Bersch: Effiziente Identifikation von Ereignissen zur Auswertung komplexer Angriffsmuster auf IT Infrastrukturen, Master Thesis, September 2015
  • Ranjani Dilip Banhatti: Graph Regularization Parameter for Non-Negative Matrix Factorization, Master Thesis, Scientific Computing, September 2015
  • Konrad Kühne: Temporal-Topological Analysis of Evolutionary Message Networks, Bachelor Thesis, July 2015
  • Stefanie Bachmann: The K-Function and its use for Bandwidth Parameter Estimation, Bachelor Thesis, July 2015
  • Philipp Daniel Freiberger: Temporal Evolution of Communities in Affiliation Networks, Bachelor Thesis, June 2015
  • Johannes Auer: Bewertung von GitHub Projekten anhand von Eventdaten, Bachelor Thesis, March 2015
  • Christian Kromm: Erkennung und Analyse von Regionalen Hashtag Communities in Twitter, Bachelor Thesis, March 2015
  • Matthias Brandt: Evolution of Correlation of Hashtags in Twitter, Master Thesis, February 2015
  • Jonas Scholten: Effizientes Indexing von Twitter-Daten für temporale und räumliche TopK-Suche unter Verwendung von Mongo DB, Bachelor Thesis, February 2015
  • Patrick Breithaupt: Experimentelle Analyse des Exponetial Random Graph Modells, Bachelor Thesis, February 2015
  • Timm Schäuble: Classification of Temporal Relations between Events, Bachelor Thesis, January 2015


  • Andreas Spitz: Analysis and Exploration of Centrality and Referencing Patterns in Networks of News Articles, Master Thesis, November 2014
  • Tobias Zatti: Simulation und Erweiterung von sozialen Netzwerken durch Random Graphs am Beispiel von Twitter, Bachelor Thesis, November 2014
  • Ludwig Richter: Automated Field-Boundary Detection by Trajectory Analysis of Agricultural Machinery, Bachelor Thesis, August 2014
  • Thomas Metzger: Mining Sequential Patterns from Song Lists, Bachelor Thesis, July 2014
  • Arthur Arlt: Determining Rates of False Positives and Negatives in Fast Flux Botnet Detection, Master Thesis, July 2014.
  • Hanna Lange: Stream-based Event and Place Detection from Social Media, June 2014
  • Christian Karr: Effektive Indexierung von räumlichen und zeitlichen Daten, Bachelor Thesis, May 2014
  • Haikuhi Jaghinyan: Evaluation of the HANA Graph Engine, Bachelor Thesis, March 2014
  • Sebastian Rode: Speeding Up Graph Traversals in the SAP HANA Database, Diploma Thesis, Mathematics/Computer Science, March 2014
  • Isil Özge Pekel: Performing Cluster Analysis on Column Store Databases, Master Thesis, March 2014
  • Andreas Runk: Integrating Information about Persons from Linked Open Data, Master Thesis, February 2014


  • Tobias Limpert: Verbesserung der spatio-temporal Event Extraktion und ihrer Kontextinformation durch Relationsextraktionsmethoden, Bachelor Thesis, December 2013
  • Christian Seyda: Comparison of graph-based and vector-space geographical topic detection, Master Thesis, December 2013
  • Bartosz Bogasz: Generation of Place Summaries from Wikipedia, Master Thesis, December 2013
  • David Richter: Segmentierung geographischer Regionen aus Social Media mittels Superpixelverfahren, Bachelor Thesis, Oktober 2013
  • Marek Walkowiak: Gazetteer-gestützte Erkennung und Disambiguierung von Toponymen in Text, Bachelor Thesis, Oktober 2013
  • Mirko Kiefer: Histo: A Protocol for Peer-to-Peer Data Synchronization in Mobile Apps, Bachelor Thesis, September 2013
  • Daniel Egenolf: Extraktion und Normalisierung von Personeninformation für die Kombination mit Spatio-temporal Events, Bachelor Thesis, September 2013
  • Lisa Tuschner: Tag-Recommendation auf Basis von Flickr Daten, Bachelor Thesis, September 2013
  • Edward-Robert Tyercha: An Efficient Access Structure to 3D Mesh Data with Column Store Databases, Master Thesis, September 2013
  • Matthias Iacsa: Study of NetPLSA with respect to regularization in multidimensional spaces, Bachelor Thesis, Juli 2013
  • Timo Haas: Analyse und Exploration von temporalen Aspekten in OSM-Daten, Bachelor Thesis, June 2013
  • Julian Wintermayr: Evaluation of Semantic Web storage solutions focusing on Spatial and Temporal Queries, Bachelor Thesis, June 2013
  • Bertil Nestorius Baron: Aggregate Center Queries in Dynamic Road Networks, Diploma Thesis, Mathematics/Computer Science, Mai 2013
  • Viktor Bersch: Methoden zur temporalen Analyse und Exploration von Reviews, Bachelor Thesis, Mai 2013
  • Cornelius Ratsch: Adaptive String Dictionary Compression in In-Memory Column-Store Database Systems, Master Thesis, April 2013
  • Andreas Zerkowitz: Aufbau und Analyse eines Event-Repository aus Wikipedia, Bachelor Thesis, April 2013
  • Erik von der Osten: Influential Graph Properties of Collaborative-Filtering based Recommender Systems, Diploma Thesis, Mathematics/Computer Science, March 2013
  • Philipp Harth: Local Similarity in Geometric Graphs via Spectral Correspondence, Master Thesis, February 2013
  • Benjamin Kirchholtes: A General Solution for the Point Cloud Docking Problem, Master Thesis, February 2013


  • Manuel Kaufmann: Modellierung und Analyse heuristischer und linguistischer Methoden zur Eventextraktion, Bachelor Thesis, November 2012
  • Dennis Runz: Socio-Spatial Event Detection in Dynamic Interaction Graphs, Master Thesis, November 2012
  • Andreas Schuster: Compressed Data Structures for Tuple Identifiers in Column-Oriented Databases, Master Thesis, October 2012
  • Christian Kapp: Person Comparison based on Name Normalization and Spatio-temporal Events, Master Thesis, September 2012
  • Jörg Hauser: Algorithms for Model Assignment in Multi-Gene Phylogenetics, Master Thesis, August 2012
  • Andreas Klein: The CSGridFile for Managing and Querying Point Data in Column Stores, Master Thesis, August 2012
  • Andreas Runk: Dynamisches Rerouting in Strassennetzwerken, Bachelor Thesis, August 2012
  • Markus Neusinger: Erkennung von Sternströmen mit Hilfe moderner Clusteringverfahren, Diploma Thesis Physics/Computer Science, August 2012
  • Clemens Maier: Visualisierung und Modellierung des auf BRF+ aufgebauten Workflows, Bachelor Thesis, August 2012
  • Daniel Kruck: Investigation of Exact Graph and Tree Isomorphism Problems, Bachelor Thesis, July 2012
  • Andreas Fay: Correlation and Exploration of Events, Master Thesis, February 2012
  • Cornelius Ratsch: Extending Context-Aware Query Autocompletion, Bachelor Thesis, February 2012
  • Alexander Wilhelm: Spezifikation und Suche komplexer Routen in Strassennetzwerken, Diploma Thesis, Mathematics/Computer Science, February 2012
  • Britta Keller: Ein Event-basiertes Ähnlichkeitsmodell für biomedizinische Dokumente, Bachelor Thesis, February 2012


  • Simon Jarke: Effiziente Suche von Substrukturen in grossen geometrischen Graphen, Master Thesis, November 2011
  • Markus Kurz: Visualizing and Exploring Nonparametric Density Estimations of Context-aware Itemsets, Bachelor Thesis, October 2011
  • Frank Tobian: Modelle und Rankingverfahren zur Kombination von textueller und geographischer Suche, Bachelor Thesis, September 2011
  • Alexander Hochmuth: Efficient Computation of Hot Spots in Road Networks, Bachelor Thesis, June 2011
  • Selina Raschack: Spezifikation von Mustern auf räumlichen Daten und Suche von zugehörigen Musterinstanzen, Bachelor Thesis, Mai 2011
  • Bechir Ben Slama: Dynamische Erkennung von Ausreißern in Straßennetzwerken, Master Thesis, March 2011
  • Marcus Schaber: Scalable Routing using Spatial Database Systems, Bachelor Thesis, March 2011
  • Edward-Robert Tyercha: Co-Location Pattern Mining mit MapReduce, Bachelor Thesis, March 2011
  • Benjamin Hiller: Analyse und Verarbeitung von OpenStreetMap-Daten mit MapReduce, Bachelor Thesis, March 2011
  • Serge Thiery Akoa Owona: Apache Cassandra as Database System for the Activiti BPM Engine, Bachelor Thesis, February 2011


  • Maik Häsner: Bestimmung und Überwachung von Hot Spots in Strassennetzwerken, Master Thesis, October 2010.
  • Philipp Harth: Scale-Dependent Pattern Mining on Volunteered Geographic Information, Bachelor Thesis, August 2010.
  • Peter Artmann: Design and Implementation of a Rule-based Warning and Messaging System, Bachelor Thesis, June 2010.
  • Christopher Röcker: Analyse und Rekonstruktion unvollständiger Sensordaten, Bachelor Thesis, March 2010.
  • Andreas Klein: Eine Indexstruktur zur Verwaltung und Anfrage an Moving Regions auf Grundlage des TPR∗-Baumes, Bachelor Thesis, February 2010.
  • Benjamin Kirchholtes: Object Recognition and Extraction in Satellites Images using the Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit (ITK), Bachelor Thesis, February 2010.


  • Fabian Rühle: Performance Analysis of Column-based Main Memory Databases, Bachelor Thesis, December 2009.
  • Pavel Popov: GeoDok: Extraktion und Visualisierung von Ortsinformationen in Dokumenten, Bachelor Thesis, Dezember 2009.